Serial Learners

Interactions between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands during the Third Millennium BCE from the Perspective of Ceramic Technology

E.J. Kroon | 2024

5,000 years ago, a migration shaped Europe’s future. Migrating communities spread across Europe within two centuries, leaving lasting changes in interconnectivity, language, and ancestry. Yet these migrating communities did not enter an empty continent. Across…

Supplying the Roman Empire (LIMES XXV volume 4)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 4

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Supplying the Roman Empire – is the fourth volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with various aspects of the supply and provisioning of the Roman empire, and the role…

Living and dying on the Roman Frontier and beyond (LIMES XXV volume 3)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 3

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Living and Dying on the Roman Frontiers and Beyond – is the third volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with a variety of themes, including the iconography of victory;…

Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontier (LIMES XXV volume 2)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 2

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontiers – is the second volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with the following themes: Roman military activities during the Republic; the early…

Current Approaches to Roman Frontiers (LIMES XXV volume 1)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Current Approaches to Roman Frontiers – is the first volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings arranged around the original sessions, in order to form coherent thematical collections that make the vast…

Stories of Waste and Value

Roots of a Circular Economy

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Growing mountains of waste, decreasing resources and global environmental pollution confront us today with challenges of unprecedented dimensions. Against this background, interest in sustainable and resource-saving concepts is increasing; it is not uncommon to fall…

Wertvolle Abfallgeschichten

Wurzeln der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Wachsende Abfallberge, schwindende Ressourcen und globale Umweltverschmutzung stellen uns heute vor Herausforderungen ungekannten Ausmaßes. Vor diesem Hintergrund steigt das Interesse an nachhaltigen und ressourcenschonenden Konzepten; nicht selten ist dabei der Rückgriff auf (vermeintlich) tradierte Herangehensweisen…

Serial Learners

Interactions between Funnel Beaker West and Corded Ware Communities in the Netherlands during the Third Millennium BCE from the Perspective of Ceramic Technology

E.J. Kroon | 2024

5,000 years ago, a migration shaped Europe’s future. Migrating communities spread across Europe within two centuries, leaving lasting changes in interconnectivity, language, and ancestry. Yet these migrating communities did not enter an empty continent. Across…

Supplying the Roman Empire (LIMES XXV volume 4)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 4

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Supplying the Roman Empire – is the fourth volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with various aspects of the supply and provisioning of the Roman empire, and the role…

Living and dying on the Roman Frontier and beyond (LIMES XXV volume 3)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 3

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Living and Dying on the Roman Frontiers and Beyond – is the third volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with a variety of themes, including the iconography of victory;…

Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontier (LIMES XXV volume 2)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 2

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontiers – is the second volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with the following themes: Roman military activities during the Republic; the early…

Current Approaches to Roman Frontiers (LIMES XXV volume 1)

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1

Edited by Harry van Enckevort, Mark Driessen, Erik Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva and Carol van Driel-Murray (eds) | 2024

This publication – Current Approaches to Roman Frontiers – is the first volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings arranged around the original sessions, in order to form coherent thematical collections that make the vast…

Stories of Waste and Value

Roots of a Circular Economy

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Growing mountains of waste, decreasing resources and global environmental pollution confront us today with challenges of unprecedented dimensions. Against this background, interest in sustainable and resource-saving concepts is increasing; it is not uncommon to fall…

Wertvolle Abfallgeschichten

Wurzeln der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Edited by Jens Schneeweiß | 2024

Wachsende Abfallberge, schwindende Ressourcen und globale Umweltverschmutzung stellen uns heute vor Herausforderungen ungekannten Ausmaßes. Vor diesem Hintergrund steigt das Interesse an nachhaltigen und ressourcenschonenden Konzepten; nicht selten ist dabei der Rückgriff auf (vermeintlich) tradierte Herangehensweisen…

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