Roots of Routes. Mobility and Networks between the Past and the Future

Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci | 2023

People and spaces have always been connected by routes: paths, trails, roads – on land, on water and sometimes even through the air, over hill and dale as well as over wooden planks, pavement and…

Roots of Routes. Mobilität und Netzwerke zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft

Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci | 2023

Menschen und Räume waren schon immer durch Routen verbunden: Pfade, Wege und Straßen – zu Lande, zu Wasser und manchmal auch durch die Luft, über Stock und Stein ebenso wie über Holzbohlen, Pflaster und Asphalt.…

Connectivity Matters!

Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

Edited by Johannes Müller | 2022

This book is a presentation of the basic concept of social, environmental and cultural connectivity in past societies, as embodied in a diversity of disciplines in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Thus, rather pragmatically driven…

Insights into Social Inequality

A Quantitative Study of Neolithic to Early Medieval Societies in Southwest Germany

Ralph Grossmann | 2021

Social inequality is a subject of contemporary concerns. Life capabilities and the access to resources vary significantly in rich and poor countries, between elites and others. Furthermore, inequalities based on bio-anthropological and non-bio-anthropological causes are…

Pandemien und Krisen

Entfernte Zeiten so nah

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archäologie leistet einen Beitrag für das gesellschaftliche Verständnis von Krisen, einschließlich gegenwärtiger und potentieller zukünftiger Notlagen. Auch Krankheiten wie Pandemien wurden und werden von der Archäologie in vergangenen Gesellschaften beobachtet. Einige solche Beispiele finden sich…

Pandemics and Crises Reloaded

Distant Times So Close

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archaeology is all about how the present came into existence. Thus, it contributes to the social understanding of crises, including present and potential future adversities. Even diseases, such as pandemics in past societies, were and…

Past Societies

Human Development in Landscapes

Edited by Johannes Müller and Andrea Ricci | 2020

The Kiel Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ has conducted research on socio-environmental issues of past societies during the last years. From the North Atlantic to the Persian Gulf and from Peru to the Near…

Search results for ROOTSseries:

Roots of Routes. Mobility and Networks between the Past and the Future

Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci | 2023

People and spaces have always been connected by routes: paths, trails, roads – on land, on water and sometimes even through the air, over hill and dale as well as over wooden planks, pavement and…

Roots of Routes. Mobilität und Netzwerke zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft

Edited by Henny Piezonka, Lutz Käppel & Andrea Ricci | 2023

Menschen und Räume waren schon immer durch Routen verbunden: Pfade, Wege und Straßen – zu Lande, zu Wasser und manchmal auch durch die Luft, über Stock und Stein ebenso wie über Holzbohlen, Pflaster und Asphalt.…

Connectivity Matters!

Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

Edited by Johannes Müller | 2022

This book is a presentation of the basic concept of social, environmental and cultural connectivity in past societies, as embodied in a diversity of disciplines in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Thus, rather pragmatically driven…

Insights into Social Inequality

A Quantitative Study of Neolithic to Early Medieval Societies in Southwest Germany

Ralph Grossmann | 2021

Social inequality is a subject of contemporary concerns. Life capabilities and the access to resources vary significantly in rich and poor countries, between elites and others. Furthermore, inequalities based on bio-anthropological and non-bio-anthropological causes are…

Pandemien und Krisen

Entfernte Zeiten so nah

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archäologie leistet einen Beitrag für das gesellschaftliche Verständnis von Krisen, einschließlich gegenwärtiger und potentieller zukünftiger Notlagen. Auch Krankheiten wie Pandemien wurden und werden von der Archäologie in vergangenen Gesellschaften beobachtet. Einige solche Beispiele finden sich…

Pandemics and Crises Reloaded

Distant Times So Close

Edited by Lutz Käppel, Cheryl Makarewicz & Johannes Müller | 2020

Archaeology is all about how the present came into existence. Thus, it contributes to the social understanding of crises, including present and potential future adversities. Even diseases, such as pandemics in past societies, were and…

Past Societies

Human Development in Landscapes

Edited by Johannes Müller and Andrea Ricci | 2020

The Kiel Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ has conducted research on socio-environmental issues of past societies during the last years. From the North Atlantic to the Persian Gulf and from Peru to the Near…

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