Gorgues, Alexis (Dr.)

Alexis Gorgues is Associate Professor in Late Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. He was previously fellow of the Casa de Velázquez (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Hispaniques et Ibériques, Madrid, 2003-2005), and Assistant Lecturer at the University of Toulouse 2- Jean Jaurès. He directed excavations in Southern France and Spain, on Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements as well as in potters’ workshops.

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Gossip, James BA, PG Dip (BA, PG Dip)

James Gossip, BA, PG Dip, began working as a field archaeologist in 1987 and has worked for Cornwall Archaeological Unit since 1999. He has directed several excavations investigating multi-phase prehistoric landscapes and specialises in running community archaeology projects, working with volunteer groups throughout Cornwall. He is a Member of the Institute for Archaeologists.

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Govor, Elena (Dr.)

Elena Govor was born in Russia and now lives in Australia, where she completed her doctorate in history at the Australian National University in 1996. Her research focuses on cross-cultural contacts between Russians and the peoples of the Pacific and Australia.

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Green, Chris (Dr)

Chris Green is currently Honorary Visiting Research Associate in the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Chester. He obtained his doctorate from the University of Chester in March 2020, studying the uses of novels as resources for the study of History, having obtained his MA from the same institution in 2006. Following his BA in Geography in 1976, he worked for many years in the Information Technology industry. He is about to start work on a history of Manchester’s Hallé Choir, of which he is a member. He lives in Chester.

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Groot, Maaike (Dr.)

Maaike Groot (1973) studied provincial-Roman archaeology at VU University Amsterdam and completed her PhD on a large animal bone assemblage from the Roman site of Tiel-Passewaaij in 2007. She subsequently carried out a (Veni) post-doctoral project on the effect of the Roman occupation on animal husbandry in the central part of the Netherlands.

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Groß, Daniel (Dr.)

Daniel Groß is curator and research coordinator at Museum Lolland-Falster. His main field of work are wetland archaeology and Stone Age archaeology with a particular interest in human-environment interactions. In his projects he deals with artefact studies, landscape and settlement archaeology and socio-economic change through bridging humanistic and natural scientific approaches.
Daniel studied Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology at the University of Hamburg and was awarded a PhD at Kiel University in 2014. He worked at the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology and in the Collaborative Research Centre 1266 “Scales of Transformation” in Germany before moving to Museum Lolland-Falster, Denmark, in 2021.

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Grossmann, Ralph (Dr.)

Ralph Grossmann is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Excellence Cluster ROOTS at Kiel University and he is a member of the Subcluster Social Inequality. From March to August 2020, he held a position as a deputy scientific coordinator of the Excellence Cluster ROOTS. He was a member of the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ from 2010 to 2018 and obtained his doctoral degree in philosophy in 2016 at Kiel University with an analysis on Corded Ware and Bell Beaker burials in the German Rhine and Saale regions.

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Gorgues, Alexis (Dr.)

Alexis Gorgues is Associate Professor in Late Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. He was previously fellow of the Casa de Velázquez (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Hispaniques et Ibériques, Madrid, 2003-2005), and Assistant Lecturer at the University of Toulouse 2- Jean Jaurès. He directed excavations in Southern France and Spain, on Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements as well as in potters’ workshops.

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Gossip, James BA, PG Dip (BA, PG Dip)

James Gossip, BA, PG Dip, began working as a field archaeologist in 1987 and has worked for Cornwall Archaeological Unit since 1999. He has directed several excavations investigating multi-phase prehistoric landscapes and specialises in running community archaeology projects, working with volunteer groups throughout Cornwall. He is a Member of the Institute for Archaeologists.

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Govor, Elena (Dr.)

Elena Govor was born in Russia and now lives in Australia, where she completed her doctorate in history at the Australian National University in 1996. Her research focuses on cross-cultural contacts between Russians and the peoples of the Pacific and Australia.

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Green, Chris (Dr)

Chris Green is currently Honorary Visiting Research Associate in the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Chester. He obtained his doctorate from the University of Chester in March 2020, studying the uses of novels as resources for the study of History, having obtained his MA from the same institution in 2006. Following his BA in Geography in 1976, he worked for many years in the Information Technology industry. He is about to start work on a history of Manchester’s Hallé Choir, of which he is a member. He lives in Chester.

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Groot, Maaike (Dr.)

Maaike Groot (1973) studied provincial-Roman archaeology at VU University Amsterdam and completed her PhD on a large animal bone assemblage from the Roman site of Tiel-Passewaaij in 2007. She subsequently carried out a (Veni) post-doctoral project on the effect of the Roman occupation on animal husbandry in the central part of the Netherlands.

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Groß, Daniel (Dr.)

Daniel Groß is curator and research coordinator at Museum Lolland-Falster. His main field of work are wetland archaeology and Stone Age archaeology with a particular interest in human-environment interactions. In his projects he deals with artefact studies, landscape and settlement archaeology and socio-economic change through bridging humanistic and natural scientific approaches.
Daniel studied Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology at the University of Hamburg and was awarded a PhD at Kiel University in 2014. He worked at the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology and in the Collaborative Research Centre 1266 “Scales of Transformation” in Germany before moving to Museum Lolland-Falster, Denmark, in 2021.

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Grossmann, Ralph (Dr.)

Ralph Grossmann is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Excellence Cluster ROOTS at Kiel University and he is a member of the Subcluster Social Inequality. From March to August 2020, he held a position as a deputy scientific coordinator of the Excellence Cluster ROOTS. He was a member of the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ from 2010 to 2018 and obtained his doctoral degree in philosophy in 2016 at Kiel University with an analysis on Corded Ware and Bell Beaker burials in the German Rhine and Saale regions.

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